During his distinguished career, Mr. Vigliotti has held highly responsible and prestigious positions in both the private and public sectors. Mr. Viglotti is a family man and a seasoned executive who brings strong leadership and broad insight to Liberty Associates, the clients, and the operating teams he spearheads. He is a Wealth Manager, Professional Investment Advisor as well as a hands-on Business Consultant with more than 30-years of extremely high-level expertise in both the private and public sectors.
He brings to the client extensive experience in team building, negotiations, consultation, mediation, partnering, mergers and acquisitions, and managing financial resources at a very high-level professional capacity. He has held executive and financial positions in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors. He has also held coordinated and spoken at seminars and conferences, in the business areas of real estate, financial, managerial, technology, and business development meetings. His diverse backgrounds are deployed directly for the benefit of the clientele!
An accredited private investor and a serial entrepreneur himself, Alfonso is focused on meeting each unique Client and Client Company’s specific needs. His primary focus is on being a tremendous value-added partner and brings to the platform a diverse and unique skill set of expertise and wisdom in support of the clientele, the partnership companies, their Founders, the firm’s key Investors, and their operating executives.
Some of his diverse backgrounds include: creating and operating successful businesses across multiple industries and sectors. He brings to the client extensive experience in team building, negotiations, consultation, mediation, partnering, mergers, acquisitions, and managing financial resources at a very high-level professional capacity. He has held executive and financial positions in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors. He has also held coordinated and spoken at seminars and conferences, in the business areas of real estate, financial, managerial, technology, and business development meetings. His diverse backgrounds are deployed directly for the benefit of the clientele! ss multiple industries and markets; initiating, spear-heading and completing strategic mergers and acquisitions, evaluating businesses across many sectors; managing public and private resources and assets for institutional, non-for-profit; consulting and advising business owners, and their key investors, their executives, and managers; guiding and facilitating company development strategies, including client development and sales acquisition, preparing and guiding companies to successfully access private and public markets and facilitate their ability to successfully achieve their growth potential. A bit of his backgrounds includes: creating and operating successful businesses across multiple industries and markets; initiating, spear-heading and completing strategic mergers and acquisitions, evaluating businesses across many sectors; managing public and private resources and assets for institutional, non-for-profit; consulting and advising business owners, and their key investors, their executives, and managers; guiding and facilitating company development strategies, including client development and sales acquisition, preparing and guiding companies to successfully access private and public markets and facilitate their ability to successfully achieve their growth potential.
A few of his relevant positions have included:
Chairman of the Board and Chief Visionary Officer, Liberty Associates, Inc.
Founder and President, Wealth Management Centers, LLC
Founder and Chief Investment Officer, US-Wealth Management Advisors, LLC
Originating Partner and Senior-Vice President, Investments of the Maxim Group
Senior-Vice President, Private-Client Group, Investec Ernst and Company
Senior-Vice President of Investments, Stuart Coleman and Company
Vice-President of Investments, GKN Securities, Inc.
In addition to his extensive private sector experience, Mr. Vigliotti has held key public sector administrative and managerial positions in both the State of Florida and State of Pennsylvania. Those early years of experience and responsibilities, along with other related skills and abilities provide Mr. Vigliotti tremendous financial, managerial and valuation experiences to draw upon for the benefit of the client.
State of Florida – Mr. Vigliotti had the distinction of at that time, being one of the youngest administrators in the State of Florida. Among the managerial functions, Mr. Vigliotti held positions with the Production, Real Estate Appraisal, Business Valuation, and Real Estate Acquisition divisions for the entire fourth District. His leadership positions included Business Valuation Administrator, Real Estate Acquisition Administrator as well as Technical-Assistant to the District Director of Production.
District IV is a division of the Florida Department of Transportation which provides multi-modal transportation administration and services to one of the country’s most vibrant economic regions. Their responsibilities involve administrating the multi-modal transportation program which includes complex air, seaport, and land transportation systems. The District encompasses five counties collectively known as Florida’s Gold Coast. Mr. Vigliotti’s division had an operating budget of approximately $100 million per year during the time of his tenure.
State of Pennsylvania – Mr. Vilgiotti held administrative positions in both the Real Estate, Engineering, and Construction divisions concurrently as he also attending to his University education and continued to hold post-graduation. His role was that of a Project Manager which included responsibilities in the areas of contract management, technical engineering, operational and safety.
Education: Alfonso holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance & Business Administration (1984) from the University of Pittsburgh. He has also taken post-graduate coursework at various Universities including, the University of South Florida, Florida Atlantic University and Florida State. His studies have covered relevant cross-disciplinary fields of Finance, Business Management, Real Estate, and Management Information Systems. His most challenging curriculum, which Alfonso often will state has been and continues to be a highly successful career on navigating the business cycles, battles, and war as a Wall Street executive for over 20-years.
Charitable Activities and Foundations – Mr. Vigliotti volunteers his time and expertise to support various causes dear to his heart including, children’s and women’s health and wellbeing, sustainable development and other humanitarian and animal rights causes. A trusted advisor, he consults on matters of organizational development, fundraising, and grant application submission. Included in his areas he has focused, he volunteered as the former Chairman and CEO with Vascular Research Foundation, a not-for-profit medical research charity affiliated with Columbia University’s Medical College.
Awards – Mr. Vigliotti has been the recipient of various professional awards, including the Davis Productivity Award (1995), Jon S. Beazley Award (1994 and 1993), Value Engineering Award, Highest Single Project Savings Award (1994) and I Made a Difference Award (1993). He continues to be active in his community, focusing on a critical issue for the poor and un
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