To better understand what to expect during times of market, equity price, and volume volatility (i.e. fast markets, circuit breakers and Limit Up-Limit Down mechanism a.k.a. LULD), please carefully review the information below. Any questions should be directed to your financial advisor.
Stop Order Disclosures
Stop Orders are triggered by published last-sale transactions. Once triggered, stop orders become market orders and are subject to the prevailing price at the time and executions may vary considerably (higher or lower) from the trigger price.
Stop-Limit Orders are triggered by published last-sale transactions. Once triggered, these orders become limit orders that will be executed only at the specified price (or better). Note: Stop limits will only be filled if the market price reaches the limit price.
Odd-lot trade executions (i.e. 99 shares or less) do not trigger Stop Orders.
Trailing Stops may be subject to a limited number of execution venues. LAI will monitor trades for best possible price, however orders may not be eligible for certain “price improvement” consideration based on this limitation.
Please consult your Financial Advisor for further details or questions related to these types of orders.
‘To better understand what to expect during times of market, equity price, and volume volatility (i.e. fast markets, circuit breakers and Limit Up-Limit Down mechanism a.k.a. LULD), please carefully review the information below. Any questions should be directed to your financial advisor.